2023 Summit Surveys
CAAASA Annual Conference: Day I Survey
Thank you for attending the CAAASA’s 2023 Statewide Professional Development Summit: Building a Powerful, Equity-Centered Education for African-American and Other Students of Color. Please complete this survey after completing your last workshop session on Day I. We appreciate your responses, and at the end of the survey, you will have the option to enter a raffle for gift cards.
CAAASA Annual Conference: Day Two Survey
Thank you for attending the CAAASA’s 2023 Statewide Professional Development Summit: Building a Powerful, Equity-Centered Education for African-American and Other Students of Color. Please complete this survey after completing your last workshop session on Day II. We appreciate your responses, and at the end of the survey, you will have the option to enter a raffle for gift cards.
CAAASA Annual Conference: Closing Survey
Thank you for attending the CAAASA’s 2023 Statewide Professional Development Summit: Building a Powerful, Equity-Centered Education for African-American and Other Students of Color. Please complete this survey after you have finished your last conference session. We appreciate your responses, and at the end of the survey, you will have the option to enter a raffle for gift cards.