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African American Student Success
Research-Practice Partnership
The partnership between CCEE and the California Association of African-American Superintendents and Administrators (CAAASA) began in 2017 with a professional learning network (PLN) that focused on identifying the inequities experienced by African American students in California K-12 schools. The original network, made up of four districts and three county offices, examined these inequities and identified systems-change approaches to addressing them within their local educational agencies (LEAs).
In 2022, the PLN participants were reconvened for a series of in-depth discussions on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their ongoing work to improve outcomes for Black students. The results of these sessions were summarized in a brief released in June 2022.
Click here to learn more about CCEE Learning Networks.
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With the launch of CCEE’s Research-Practice Partnership (RPP) initiative, five of the original PLN partners have rejoined the African American Student Success Network. Facilitated in collaboration with CAAASA, this network focuses on testing systems change processes to improve learning, achievement, and educational attainment outcomes for Black students.
Click on the links below to learn more about each LEA's problem of practice, the strategies they will be implementing, and their desired outcomes.
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