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What are the benefits of
CAAASA Membership?
Individual Membership
Exclusive access to a virtual library of more than 80 full-length webinars and professional development resources.
Early access to employment opportunities while building relationships with CAAASA partners, such as job search firms, The Association of California School Administrators (ACSA), California Department of Education (CDE), California School Boards Association (CSBA) and more

Early access to professional development opportunities such as:
Aspiring Superintendent Academy
African American Leadership Academy
Annual Statewide Professional Development Conference
Annual Statewide Round-Up of Educators
Join and network with a support system and safety net for African American education leaders
Receive ongoing communications on all CAAASA activities including a monthly newsletter
District Membership
includes all of the individual benefits, plus …
FREE advertising of professional job vacancies in your district on CAAASA website
District invitation to CAAASA Annual Job Fair
Recognition of your District on
Two complimentary individual memberships
What does CAAASA do?
CAAASA Programs and Activities
Our on-going programs and activities include:
Annual Statewide Professional Development Summit: Focusing on critical issues in educational policy. This conference attracts national leaders in educational equity (superintendents, district leaders, principals, teachers and more) who share ideas and experiences. The event provides opportunities to facilitate the implementation of strategies to empower African-American students to successfully matriculate through each level of their educational experience.

Annual Education Round-Up: Galvanizing superintendents, administrators, parents, educators, legislators, civil rights leaders, elected officials, and other community members to identify and address key statewide education initiatives and/or concerns that impact African-American students.
Community Health and Wellness Events: Our outreach arm, CAAASA Cares, hosts health and wellness events, which provide basic health services in Black and Latino communities. In addition to outreach and information campaigns, the events are designed to ensure that our students are happy, healthy, and prepared to do their best in school. In
collaboration with community-based organizations, government agencies, and corporate entities our events include services such as high blood pressure check, prescription eyeglasses, dental cleanings, mental health support and Covid-19 and childhood vaccines and more.

Leadership Academy for Aspiring and New Superintendents: “Breaking The Glass Ceiling,” held three times a year, focuses on professional development, including strategies to support career advancement and equity.
California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE) Professional Learning Community: Focuses specifically on improving outcomes for African American students. The two-year project, which engages educational leaders in the study of best practices, is the only PLN statewide to focus exclusively on the experience of African American students.
Black Student Achievement Initiatives Professional Development:
Enhancing Mathematics Achievements for African American Students in conjunction with San Diego County Office of Education
Professional Development in conjunction with LAUSD-Black Student Achievement Program (BSAP).

More about CAAASA
CAAASA works closely with the California State Department of Education and other statewide organizations to address key educational issues and with African American administrators, by providing training, mentoring and support for members who are aspiring to become superintendents and/or advancing in other administrative careers.
As a community-based organization, CAAASA is concerned with the educators who teach our children, the community stakeholders whose contributions assist us in improving the lives of the Black and other students of color, and the families whose households contribute overwhelmingly to the success of the whole child. CAAASA continues to expand its reach, with parent empowerment workshops, student leadership summits, health clinics, and wrap-around services that directly impact students and their families. Through grants, community partnerships and sponsorships, CAAASA is able to empower educators, children and families on their road to helping students succeed in school and in life.
Please complete your Membership Application online.
If you prefer to print your application, you may do so here.
There is an additional 3% convenience fee when using the online registration option. PayPal & Credit Cards are accepted for online payment.
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